All photos at above left were created by agency recommended "professional" photographers . All photos at above right: Moda Bambini Kids Photography
Are you shocked that the photos at left were taken by agency staff photographers and agency recommended photographers? This is what happens when agencies split fees with or take kick backs from photographers as the agency will pocket 50% to 80%of what you paid for the photo shoot which is not only highly unethical, it is also ILLEGAL.
This practice is much more common than you could ever imagine as in most states it is only a misdemeanor so there is very little, if any, prosecution. In California, however, it is a violation of the Krekorian Act which makes it a felony that is punishable by stiff fines and jail time. Find out more on this subject here: MODEL TALENT AGENCY LAWS
Models and actors with up to date professional photos and comp cards from a trusted source typically get five to ten times as many bookings as those without. See proof positive that Photos by Moda Bambini Kids Photography in your portfolio and on your comp cards will make a world of difference in the quantity and quality of your bookings HERE